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How to change from E-7 to F-2-7 with spouse


Hi, I am interested in getting a F-2-7 visa for myself and my spouse. I am currently on a E-7 visa with a major corporation (**** /  ******), and my wife is on a F-3 spouse visa. We have these visas for 3 years (until 2025).

I actually emailed before about getting E-7 working permission (for software engineering) for my wife while she is on F-3, but realized that that will not work for the contract work she is interested in.

I believe the F-2-7 visa will allow my wife the freedom to do the work she would like, while not affecting my current employment. I have looked at your points guide and should definitely have enough points with age + education + income.

My questions are
Do you think there will be any issues with my current work authorization at ******* if I switch to F-2-7?
What are the work restrictions on a F-2-7 visa? For my spouse, what would she be able to do? She wants to do software engineering (it is her major), but also curious if that means she can do other kinds of work, or work for any Korean or overseas company.
When is the earliest I can switch to F-2-7? I moved to Korea in Jan 2022. I heard from immigration that the only way I can prove my income is with the tax return in May 2023. Is this true? Is there any way we could prove our income earlier (such as in Jan 2023?) We would like to get the F-2-7 visas as soon as possible.
Can my wife receive the F-2-7 visa at the same time as me?
What is the max duration we could get the visa for? My understanding is there are 1, 3, and 5 year visas. I would like to know how to get the longest ones, especially since our current visas are good for 3 years.
Are there any F-5 visa types that we can consider as well? Basically, I am looking for whatever visa types we can get with our current status that will give us the most flexible working allowance for the longest duration.

Please let me know if a consulting session is required for the above questions. If a F-2-7 (or F-5) visa looks like a good option for my wife and I, we would be interested in full-service support to receive those (from article https://www.visaskorea.com/f-2-7-visa-service/ ).
Thank you,





thank you for the mail
First of all, the basic answer may vary depending on individual circumstances.

1. There is no problem with employment.

However, employers may be sensitive to visa changes,

so the company needs sufficient explanation and help.

2. There are no employment restrictions.

If your spouse who majored in software has an overseas degree, you can get a job in a job related to your major or career.

However, it is necessary to review the major, experience, and industry relevance by an Visa expert. 


2-1. You can work in Korea, but you can go abroad for a short term while you are employed by a Korean company.

3. yes. 

Proof of income for the current year can be proven after June of the following year. 


4. Clear information is required, but the spouse can apply after the F2 permit of the currently employed person, and employment is premised. 


5. The Visa period is the will of immigration.

The maximum period that can be received at one time is 3 years.

But Usually, the period is given in 1 year. 


6. For F5 visa, if you have an overseas degree, you have to prove that you have at least twice the average income(GNI) of Koreans.
After obtaining F2 visa,

I recommended that you receive separate consulting after verifying the period of stay and income.



If you need more visa counsel for this, please write down the question list with applicant’s qualification information.


* Applicant’s info. :

school name(location), Degree, Major,  How long stay in korea with each visa type.

your income(by contract and last year). what kind your job and position,,,and company name….ETC.


* It can be charged basic counsel fee.


Find more information Click here  


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