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Mon-Fri: 9.00-18.00


           D-7 Dispatch visa specialists


D-7 & D-8 visa specialist


D-7 & D-8 visa specialist


D-7 & D-8 visa specialist

James Kim I Manager

In charge of Banks

Lucas Baek I Manager

In charge of tax offices

Rita Li I Manager


카카오톡( KAKAO TALK )

웨이신 (WECHAT /  微信)

라인 ( LINE /ライン )

왓츠앱 ( WHATSAPP )

D-7 visa application documents


           D-7 Dispatch visa distinguish

If you have a foreign-invested company registration card, D-8 executives will be dispatched.

Applicable after establishing a domestic branch or contact office of a foreign corporation.

As described above, the D-7 visa and the D-8 visa are clearly distinguished.

Therefore, you cannot apply for D-7 to one company and apply for D-8.

In the case of visa application, you can apply at the competent immigration office, so please check the competent immigration office and visit.


Dispatch visa korea

           Special Note for D-7 visa
Special note for D-7 visa

1. The dispatched person worked at the headquarters for more than one year.

2.Proof of introduction of operating funds of $500,000 or more in cases of less than one year.

3. You can’t change your visa into D-7 visa in Korea.

4. You need to prove that you are a professional other than the representative..

           Applicatiion documents for D-7
For those who are dispatched, additional documents may be required depending on the situation.

1. Application form ( Download ) 

2. A copy of your passport

3. Resume

4. A copy of your degree

Overseas headquarters documents (additional documents may be required depending on the situation). )

1. Copy of business registration card.

2. Dispatch order.

3. Proof of employment

4. The reason for dispatch.

5. Introduction materials from the headquarters.

Documents required by the Korean branch or contact office (additional documents may be required depending on the situation)

1. Copy of business registration card.

2. Copy of the representative ID card.

3. A report on the establishment of a branch office.

4. Office lease agreement.

5. Foreign exchange purchase certificate.

6.Details of use of corporate bank account.

7. Corporate tax payment documents.

8. Corporate entity documents, etc.

9. Power of Attorney

           Making D-7 Visa

○ The procedure for establishing a local branch or contact office is largely divided into four stages.
① Report on the establishment of a domestic branch.
② Company establishment registration procedure (when establishing a branch office)
③ Business registration procedure (in the case of a contact office, the company establishment registration procedure is omitted)
④ Apply for D-7 visa



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